Conversational AI Platform

Conversational AI Platform

By 2024, it is assumed that the bot market size will exceed $1.34 billion. With the rising boom of AI platforms and voice-driven AI assistants. 

Conversational AI platform based on Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML) & Natural Language Processing (NLP) to help businesses give quick, auto and authentic responses to the users’ queries & actions, in any language (foreign, vernacular), any channel (web, app, social media, IVR, SMS, e-mail), any format (Video, Voice, Text); so that users can save time and organizations can generate more revenue, reduce support effort (~70%); reduce cost (~30%),  improve customer, employee, user experience satisfaction on and operational excellence. 

We’re using smart AI technology for automation and speed. Our mission is to make life easier for people and brands everywhere through trusted conversational AI.

Customer experience

Vocal bots are powered by artificial intelligence. Callers don’t have to listen to menus and press corresponding numbers on their keypads. The voice interface helps in empowering a more intuitive and engaging experience.

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

AI & ML gives the advantage of always being innovative & able to bring the best solutions of the industry to your business. Innovative technology by excellence. Never stay behind.


Some marketing AI and machine learning statistics to give you an idea of where the industry is and where it is going!  

#1: By 2020, 85% of customer interactions will be handled without a human

Source: Gartner

#2: 61% of marketers say artificial intelligence is the most important aspect of their data strategy

Source: MeMSQL

#3: 80% of business and tech leaders say AI already boosts productivity

Source: Narrative Science

#4: When AI is present, 49% of consumers are willing to shop more frequently while 34% will spend more money

Source: PointSource

#5: 41% of consumers believe AI will improve their lives

Source: Strategy Analysis

#6: AI will boost profitability by 38% and generate $14 trillion of additional revenue by 2035

Source: Accenture

#7: 72% of business leaders say AI can enable humans to concentrate on more meaningful work

Source: PWC


#8: Execs expect AI personal assistants (31%) and data analysis (29%) to make the biggest impact on their businesses

Source: PWC

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