
Personalized Analytics

If you can’t measure, you can’t improve. Our conversational AI process automation platform lets you monitor your bot’s metrics on easy-to-read dashboards. With actionable analytics in hand, you can improve your bot and decide which processes it should handle next.

The analytics dashboard provides the users with insights into all Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and the ability and full flexibility to define and adjust them to the company’s reporting needs

Analyze performance

Our dashboard let you drill down. See how many conversations users are having with your bot, if they’re using quick replies or messages, and how many of them your bot is resolving or routing correctly.

Sentiment analysis

Understand your user’s behavior Sentiment analysis, Identifying the customer's feeling and providing customized response and if necessary, escalating seamlessly to a human representative.

Business Analytics

It’s not enough to know where your visitors click – you need to know what they really want. Get in-depth business analytics based on their voice interactions for helpful insights.

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